My name is: Daren
I am looking for: Laura
I last saw them in: Polystyrene Packaging Factory Borough Hi St London
It was: 1983
My message: Hi Laura if you see this i d like to tell you i still love you. i never returned to London because i could not afford the lodgings on my own as David backed out of coming back and the night before we left LONDON David went in my pockets and altered your telephone number , as he was envious because i spent all my time seeing you and he was left in the lodgings alone ..The day i arrived in Devon. i tried to call you but all i got was some indian man answer... David my so called friend did not tell me that he changed your number until years later. I passed my driving test a little while later and i hired a car and drove all the way to London and went knocking on your door but you had moved. I lost my virginity with you and ill never for get it. id love to chat and see how you are .I remember us agreeing that saying that we d get married. I have always been in love with you and its been difficult with new relationships. because all i thought about was you and i d of rather of been with you. i have no way of tracing you because i couldn t remember your second name it was a germen. I don,t know how you feel or if you are searching , but if you are please message me if you find me id love to hear from you i expect you ve had children since and you are happily married but either way please get in contact x